Scott Nelis on Cajun at Red Bluff in a dry creek bottom. Red Bluff is one of the many impressive works of nature to behold at Pole Canyon Ranch.
Closing in March 2025. Please see the announcement below from Phil Barefield:
Website: http://polecanyon.com/
Location & Contact: Just eight miles southwest of Quitaque, Texas
Part owners and Ranch Managers – Lynnette & Phil Barefield
Pole Canyon Ranch
PO Box 25
Quitaque, Texas 79255
HOME: (806) 455-1446
CELL: (806) 269-1446 or (806) 269-1299
GUEST HOUSE: (806) 455-1299
Email: polecanyon@polecanyon.com
From 287 in Estelline turn west onto Highway 86. Stay on 86 into Turkey. In Turkey, 86 will turn to the right, stay on 86. Follow 86 into Quitaque, turn left by Allsups onto FM 1065. This is your last chance for a store or gas. Follow 1065 south, you will be going downhill for about 4 miles. Slow down as you reach the bridge at the bottom of the hill, immediately after the bridge turn right onto FM 689. Travel about 4 miles and Pole Canyon Ranch will be on your right. There is a metal Pole Canyon Ranch sign located at the entrance.